Here are some photos
from our Year 2000 activities so far............. |
Photos from the year 2000 National Western
Stock Show Evening of Dancing Horses, a live performance with Michael
Martin Murphy and the Rio Grande Band. Beth and BDF John Arthur, and Taffy
Plaisted and RT Solveig performed a driven pas de deux to Michael and the band singing
Mustang Sally. Samantha and Savanna Poirier, Beth, John Arthur and Ouray performed a
skit to the lyrics of the song, "The Pony Man." |

photo: Howard Schatzberg
Beth, Sandy and John Arthur

Michael Martin Murphy and Miss Wildfire

"Thelma and Louise," ready for the performance.

photo: Howard Schatzberg
Under the spotlight

"Pony Man" Beth with "Pirates" Samantha and Savanna Poirier

photo: Howard Schatzberg
Grand exit. Sandy North and Dave Magargal as grooms.

photo: Sandy North
First CDE for Beth and John Arthur Ready for presentation. John won 1st
place Training Level Pony Division.

photo: Cathrine Werner
Bey Breeze Farm Two Phase. Moving up to Preliminary.
The Rocky Mountains as backdrop.

Beth and John warming up for Dressage. 1st Place Training Level Test 2

A fun day trail riding in Rocky Mountain National Park. Sam and John Arthur.

Beth and BDF Magnum

Sam and John

No lunch for us? John Arthur, right, Magnum, left.

John Arthur and Magnum team up
for their first 2-phase CDE

"The Boys" in their first
Dressage test together.

Walking out, in stride!

John Arthur and Magnum in
their first cones course.

The winners!