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Beth and BDF John Arthur competed for, and won, the first Versatile Fjord Award offered by the PNFPG, which consisted of participating in Open English Pleasure (2nd place,) Open Western Pleasure (4th place,) Single Horse Pleasure Driving (1st place) and Single Horse Log Skid (1st place!)  We are very proud of John!

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photo: Carol Rivoire
Open English Pleasure

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photo:Carol Rivoire
Versatility Award

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photo: Laurie Pittman
Open Western Pleasure

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photo: Carol Rivoire
John Arthur, in the pink

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photo: Sandy North
Single Horse Logskid

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photo: Laurie Pittman
Open Pleasure Driving

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photo: Carol Rivoire
Anna and Sami Poirier with
their plow horse, John Arthur

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photo: Carol Rivoire
Beth and Sami Poirier,
Matched Pairs

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photo: Carol Rivoire
Beth (whip) and Sandy (groom)
Obstacle Course

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photo: Carol Rivoire
Sami Poirier holding
Starfire Farm's Ribbons

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photo: Carol Rivoire

The whole crew!

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photo: Carol Rivoire
Sami and John Arthur

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