Monthly Archives: April 2011

Mandatory Return Trip…

Garmin Data:

As usual, I was on the hook for a return trip to work this morning. I woke up about 5:45 a.m. and rolled over and went back to sleep for another 45 minutes or so. I just wasn’t ready to deal with morning quite yet — especially since I was going to start my day with a couple hour workout!

It was cool, but far from cold. The sky had high, thin clouds but did not look threatening. So, I prepared to Scooter and myself for the trek back to Broomfield. We were on the road at 7:50 a.m. and by this time, the sun was up, the air warmer than it had bee a couple hours earlier and my brain was awake an ready to do battle with any and all traffic we encountered. Longs Peak was covered with a dusting of new snow — stunning.

There were the usual 18-wheelers and dump trucks on E. County Line Rd but they were courteous and we all got along. I took Cty Line Rd because I wasn’t sure how much energy I was going to have today. I did fine — but partly because I had a very helpful tail (or partial tail) wind out of the north. It was a gentle but steady breeze at my back — just enough so that I could feel the help. It was very much appreciated!

As I rode the 4-5 mile stretch between CO-119 at the south end of Longmont and CO-52 just north of Erie, it was hard not to notice the ominous dark clouds that sat over Boulder, Lafayette and most all the communitites to the south and west. I feared the dark skies carried rain and I was heading in that general direction. Nothing I could do about it now. It stood between me and work, so Scooter and I were going through!

The temperature did drop noticably, but no rain as we rode on. At the top of the Lowell Blvd hill, I stopped and took a couple of pictures to show you the line between “good weather” and “bad weather.” Luckily, Scooter and I were just a hair to the left of “bad weather.”

Here’s a shot that shows BoulderĀ  (which is off to the right in the image above). Really, that’s Boulder. Can’t you just imagine the Flatirons, the foothills and all the homes?

The sorts of things you experience and take note of on a bicycle are so different than when you cruise along in an automobile. I love the richness of the experience and wonder what our next ride will have to offer.