Monthly Archives: April 2021

R&R with a beach walk

No, we didn’t really need a rest day. We started out a day ahead of schedule so had to ‘burn’ a day in order to get aligned with our up coming campground reservations.

I didn’t hear anyone complain — we were in a nice area with a site by the water and there was a storm brewing that might hit by mid to late afternoon. None of us wanted to ride in the rain (we’re a bunch of wimps!)

I started the day by doing a load of laundry. Nothing like having all your kits and ‘street’ clothes clean and packed away. I’m going thru outfits a lot faster here because of the humidity. I’m dripping wet in no time at all with the least little bit of exertion (…. taking a deep breath for instance).

Next up was a leisurely trip to the farmer’s market where we got to see a wide variety of things. Lots of colorful, lightweight beach clothing, assorted ‘flea market’ booths and a French pastry booth I just couldn’t pass by without purchasing a couple of small olive loaves and a chocolate almond croissant — yummy!!

Once we got back to the campground, Sarah and I decided to take a stroll along the shore on a short trail that started at the edge of our campground. The tide was out and there was a bit more beach exposed for our exploration. In addition to marine garbage (buoy pieces, boat rope, small pieces of marine hardware) there were shells, some birds and iguana critters (I’m actually not sure they are iguanas, but that’s how I’ll refer to them until I learn otherwise).

There was not much of a breeze during our walk and I was frying! It was HOT and HUMID. I know, I’ve mentioned that in my posts before. Well, it is STILL true. In my youth I handled the heat and humidity just fine. My summer job was working under shade grown tobacco netting where I think the goal was 100F and 100%f humidity. But, in my old age, and my Colorado-accustomed body now find it oppressive. It is fine while we’re riding since we are generally meandering along at 10-14 mph and creating our own breeze. When we stop sweat started pouring down my face and oozing out of every pore of my body within seconds. As you might have guessed, I prefer not to stop until we’re done for the day!!

After dinner we got a glimpse of some manatees that came up the slip by some trailers where they are treated to fresh water from a hose by one of the ‘permanent’ residents. The water was pretty stirred up (from a storm coming in I think) so mostly we could see their little heads as they came to the surface for the fresh water.

A bit later, while we were chatting and sitting outside Randy’s RV. I looked out over the water and noticed the dark clouds were moving close and there was a sharp edge to them. I said that I expected the storm was about to head our way…. and within about 30 seconds a HUGE wind picked up and it blew (and rained) for the next several hours.

I’ve had Buster for about a year and a half — it took a trip to Florida to figure out that the window over the bench seat leaks. It is easily managed right now so I probably won’t address until I get back home. The statement that “RVs require constant maintenance” is starting to ring true. I still LOVE Buster though…..