Today we headed down to Hyannis on the bike path. Our first stop was the Cape Code Museum of Art. There were four main exhibits — two that I found particularly interesting. The first was of a group of female artists who have been creating art together for many, many years. The project displayed was of them revisiting locales and/or a piece of their art and making a ‘revision’ of it.
Here are a few of my favorites —

The second exhibit that really moved me dealt with mass shootings. The exhibit has had to be updated THREE times since it was set up less than a month ago! Boulder Colorado’s Boulder King Sooper’s shooting was one of the updates. So very sad — and senseless. We need gun reform!!!
There was a wonderful garden outside the museum filled with both flowers and art work.
Next up was a ride to a lookout tower. Unfortunately, we were unable to go inside and climb to the viewing port. It would have provided us with a view of Provincetown across the water. As with many (maybe even most…) places we’ve gone they are either temporarily or permanently (post-COVID19?) closed. Not sure which category this fell into.
From there is was back to the bike path, some serious gates and down to the water to check on the ferry pricing and schedule to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. Fun, easy riding and we even got to cruise through the middle of a golf course!