Monthly Archives: May 2021

Off to Cape Cod for some Chowda

We went from my hometown “all the way” to Dennis Port on The Cape. Back in the day this would have been a major trip. For us, it was just another day moving to a new location to explore more bike paths. The drive was relatively easy and the traffic was light. I can remember when I was growing up how my family would spend hours and hours in traffic jams returning from a week of camping in Weekapaug, Rhode Island. Thankful to be traveling in this part of the country before the ‘official’ vacation season begins next week!

Our campsite is right across the street from the ocean and the campground’s private beach. It’s nice to be back by the water after being a bit inland for the last few days.

We arrived early enough the first day to get a bike ride in. We rode to Chatham and took in the beach views and the lighthouse. The towns are so quaint and I just LOVE the Cape Code style houses and their unique shingle siding.

Even though the cape’s roads are busy and carry a lot of traffic — the bike paths are excellent and lightly used (at least at this time of the year). I’ve heard that you really don’t want to be down here during peak season because it is a total zoo and the roads are just about grid-locked. Guessing that biking would be even a better option then than it is now!

The path took us along cranberry bogs — common in these parts.

We had our first (of many) cups of New England clam chowder upon our arrival. And, I must say, it was even better than I remembered it to be! The seafood is local and the preparations have been beyond yummy. My favorite (as was my Dad’s….) are the scallops. Tender and tasty.

We’re here for 4 nights and I’m not sure that will be enough to explore all the areas of The Cape that intrigue us…. today was a good start.