Monthly Archives: May 2021

Allentown PA to East Hampton CT

Staying at the KOA near Allentown was quite the experience. Our immediate neighbors — who’s trailer opened to face ours (called ‘buddy camping’) consisted of a very loud mother, a nice and quite husband and at least 4, maybe 5 foster kids ages 2 to 8 years old. Needless to say — it was way louder and more chaotic than anything we’d experienced at our prior campgrounds. But, it turns out, they were mild compared to the folks who showed up for the weekend. OMG — huge groups that felt everyone needed to hear their music and their conversations and share in their excitement over putting the little bean bag in the corn hole board’s hole!

But, we did have a wonderful campfire one night and Beth, Randy and I hiked up the hill to an overlook of neighboring farmland that was pleasant. Still, I was ready to leave and move on to our next state — Connecticut.

The drive was long and we had to be 110% alert. There were a couple close calls with driver’s who felt they owned the road — including the part that we were occupying! A flashy white convertible Mustang cut right in front of Saddie and I’m not sure how Randy kept from running right over her. Beth said the lady driving the Mustang didn’t even flinch….. just kept pushing her way through the traffic.

We had to go over the George Washington Bridge and because Saddie has propane, we had to take a slightly ‘alternative’ route that took us down a street on the very fringe of NYC. How Randy and I were able to keep the RV’s together through all that is a miracle! We went down one street where Randy had to dodge a handful of cars — the owners just double parked and were washing their cars in the middle of the road!!! I snapped a photo on that street of a itsy bitsy travel trailer (notice the boot on the wheel…).

The drivers in Connecticut were even worse than those in NYC. On the Merit Parkway, there was a slow down and as we worked our way through it came upon, not one, but TWO fender benders that had pulled to the side of the road. That and I almost go side swiped by a full sized pickup pulling a trailer who forced himself into my lane of traffic at the very last minute and must’ve forgotten that he was pulling a trailer — or just not cared that he was about to smash into poor Buster!!! There were others like him all over the place and I was more than a little relieved when we got to the campground!

Randy, Beth and I took a walk around the campground and struck up a conversation with some folks across the pond. Turns out they are ‘seasonal’ campers and they have a large rig that stays on the site year-round. Very reasonable rates and the gal said “I have a waterfront view and I live in the Hamptons” — ok, East Hampton is now part of THE Hamptons, but honestly what more could you want? That’s them in the night shot with their patio party lights on.