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LA -city of Angels, Charleston – city of Squirrels

I can’t remember a time or a place where I have seen more squirrels — they are EVERYWHERE! There must’ve been a dozen or two darting to and fro along the road into our KOA campground when we arrived. This morning when I stepped out of Buster I could see several in my direct line of sight. They are friendly,and not too much of a nuisance. Of course, they do present a bit of a major hazard when we are riding. This morning we rode bikes towards Charleston’s city market along roads with narrow shoulders. I had to let up my speed to allow a couple of them pass in front of me, but mostly they were aware of me and my spinning wheels and did their best to avoid a collision. Good thing, because if it came down to it, I would have had to plow right over one because there was literally no room to maneuver around them in the non-existent bike lane. Thankfully, it didn’t come to that.

We changed our campsite bookings to stay in Charleston two nights because today is supposed to be rainy and wet (they are calling for 2″ of rain — bet Colorado is jealous!). After checking the Weather Radar app on our phones, Sarah, Leo and I decided to get a short ride in before the storm hit. It looked like the rain would start about 2pm. I said I wanted to be back by noon — just in case! We rode at a brisk pace and stopped at a book store for Sarah, took in a local car show and finally rode out on to the fishing wharf that was near the Cooper River bridge that would have taken us into downtown and the city market area. We opted to make that our turn-around point. Glad we did — we made it back dry but shortly thereafter the skies opened up! Nice to get the miles in and happy to sit here and catch up on my blog to the pitter-patter of rain on the RV’s roof. Sure beats the heck out of working!!!

Hope they got all those beautiful vehicles home before the rain storm! I imagine none of them sit out in the rain very much….

Here are a few shots from down by the wharf.