Since I haven’t done a blog in a couple of days, I am totally lost about where I left off with sharing our adventure and where I should pick back up. I guess order doesn’t matter and if I get the days confused that’s OK too — you won’t know! And, it will be a little bit like being retired, where you can’t remember what day of the week it is let alone the month/day of the year!
We have stayed very close to the water, usually riding within sight of it. Most often there is just a single row of properties on our right (if any!). We stop periodically and pop out onto the beaches to see what’s happening. The beaches are all accessible, except for ones with high dollar properties or chain hotels. Parking lots are plentiful too. The beaches haven’t been crowded at all. There are ‘sun bathers’, beach combers and fishermen as well as an occasional biker (on a fat bike!).
We’ve had some stormy weather as well — I took a shot of the storm brewing while we were driving the other day and just yesterday Beth and I stopped to capture some wild wavy clouds near Neptune Beach.
We spent 2 nights in St. Augustine so that Sarah could spend time with her nephew and his family. It was a good place to play tourist. It was also Leo’s birthday — and a trip to the Fountain of Youth seemed like a grand idea.
We all drank the water and took in the park’s exhibits. Leo had two cups to slow the aging process since it was his birthday!
I found the planetarium’s presentation on navigation by the stars fascinating. It is amazing to me how early explorers figured all that stuff out !! There was a canon and a firearms demonstration as well. Also interesting — and LOUD!
The walk around town to see the local architecture is something we like to do whenever we stop. Cute, historic buildings and manicured gardens and lawns. We chatted with one gal, happens to be a Warm Showers host, who was working in a garden they offer up to the community. She’s from NM and moved here with her husband 11 years ago. Their house is for sale and they are moving. I think she feels the same as I do about the humidity! She also mentioned that because it gets sooooo hot in the summer, folks have to spend most of that time indoors. YUCK!
We had a birthday party for Leo at Jeff and Lauren’s — another great meal and birthday cake too! We’ll have to pedal extra miles to work off the carrot cake alone.